Modifikasi Manta Eureka dalam Pemantauan Kualitas Air - Ganeca Environmental Services

Modifikasi Manta Eureka dalam Pemantauan Kualitas Air

Mei 15, 2020

Banyak modifikasi yang dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan Manta Multiprobes dalam upaya memantau kualitas air permukaan. Salah satu yang dilakukan oleh PUB Singapore (National Water Agency Singapore) yakni dengan memasang Manta Multiprobes di “Angsa” yang dapat dikendalikan dari jauh. Upaya ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas air di perairan permukaan. Yuk simak liputannya dari The Straits Times Singapore. 


National water agency PUB will showcase its smart technologies at the upcoming Singapore International Water Week. Here is a look at some of these smart developments.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to inspect Deep Tunnel Sewerage System

• PUB is exploring the use of UAVs for inspection of the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System, a superhighway that channels used water via gravity to a centralised water reclamation plant for treatment and further purication into Newater.• UAVs fitted with sophisticated sensors and cameras can be used to record images within this sewer tunnel, at depths of between 18m and 50m.

• Sensors also record the exact location where a photo was taken, facilitating follow-up action.

Smart water grid sensors

• Multi-sensor probe installed in water pipes to monitor water pressure, flow and quality.

• Telemetry unit transmits the data wirelessly to a central system for analysis.

• In the event of any irregular readings and analysis, the system will notify PUB to carry out the necessary repair or recovery work.

Automated Meter Reading systems

• Monitor and collect water consumption data continuously.

• The data is used for water consumption behavioural analysis.

CCTVs and image analytics

• Installed at public drains near construction sites to monitor silty discharge.

• A central server receives the images for analysis.

• More than 300 CCTVs at 250 construction sites have been linked up to the system.


Robot “swans” to monitor reservoirs

• The New Smart Water Assessment Network (NUSwan) may look like a swan but it is no birdbrain. Built that way to blend in with the environment, the autonomous robotic platform carries out real-time monitoring of water quality. They have been tested and are ready for “release” at selected reservoirs.

• They can be remotely controlled or assigned pre-defined tasks (for example, perform scanning of a given area or collect water samples) which they can carry out autonomously.

• They can be used as sensing nodes that provide good spatial coverage.

• The real-time monitoring will enhance response time to emerging events at the deployed location.

• These robots can collect water samples and, among other functions, measure pH, temperature, and conductivity of the water.



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