In-house training - Ganeca Environmental Services

In-house training

In-House Training for Industry

GES provides in-house courses, delivered by GES Expert Team via Online media. Though in-house training, your company has the option of tailoring the training programme to their particular operational needs. In-house training allows your company to fulfill the objectives for staff development in a cost effective and quality driven manner. Our approach to qualifications offers the perfect blend of conveying expertise and direct practical application. We design in-house trainings which are custom-tailored to your company needs and specifications. We then work with your employees to tackle your specific challenges, topics and processes, assisting your teams as they apply what they have learned.

Free In-house Training for Local Government Employees!

GES offers free training to employees of local government agencies working in a variety of areas related to environmental issues. (note: terms and conditions apply).

GES menawarkan pelatihan gratis kepada Pegawai Negeri Sipil dari instansi pemerintah daerah yang bekerja di berbagai bidang yang terkait dengan masalah lingkungan. (catatan: syarat dan ketentuan berlaku).

What are the benefits of in-house training?


Materi Pelatihan

No Topik Deskripsi Bahasan JP
1 Gambaran Umum Air Asam tambang Apa itu AAT dan apa penyebabnya?

Dampak AAT dan implikasinya terhadap operasi penambangan

Regulasi terkait pengelolaan lingkungan, khususnya AAT

Pengelolaan AAT – overall process
2 Proses Pembentukan Air Asam Tambang pH dan asiditas

metal solubility sebagai fungsi dari pH

Geokimia, Reaktivitas, dan Weathering

Oksidasi mineral sulfida
3 Dampak Pembentukan Air Asam Tambang Baseline heavy metal concentrations

Belajar pembentukan AAT dari beberapa penambangan

Acid Sulfate Soils

AMD and its secondary products
4 Perencanaan, Prediksi dan Pencegahan Air Asam Tambang Risk Assessment and Planning

Characterisation of Materials

Testing and Sampling for AMD

Memahami Non Acid Forming (NAF) dan Potential Acid Forming (PAF)
5 Pengelolaan Air Asam Tambang Industry Management Options

AMD Issues in Waste Rock Dumps, Tailings and Voids

Designing Covers for Waste Rock/Overburden Material
6 Disposal Batuan Penutup dan Tailing Working open cuts and final voids

Short and long term effect on revegetation

Case Studies on AMD Management for Site Conditions
7 Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Air Asam Tambang Practical Monitoring of Surface and Ground Waters

Continuous dan realtime monitoring (PermenLHK 98/2018)

Active and Passive Treatment

Case Studies

Unlock Your Team's Full Potential

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If you have any questions about the services we provide do not hesitate to contact us. We try and respond to all queries and comments within 24 hours.