Temp & Humidity - Ganeca Environmental Services

Temp & Humidity

Air Temperature Transducer

TTEP has been thoroughly designed for measuring air temperature in meteorological, hydrological and airport installations, as well as for outdoor applications in general. The sensing element is made out of a platinum Pt100 resistance with a response curve compliant with the DIN 43760 Class 1/3 standard and 4-wire connection.
The sensor body is composed of high quality plastic material and stainless steel screws. The protective shield is made out of non-hygroscopic and UV stabilized plastic that recreates a ventilated and protected environment from sunlight. The sensor is offered either in the TTEP-N version with natural output (4-wire connection), or in I (current), V (tension), S (RS485-Modbus), 12 (SDI-12) versions. The sensor is supplied with power and signal cable (4 m).

Range -30 ÷ +60 °C
Accuracy 1/3 DIN 43760
Transducer Pt100 Thermoresistance
Working temperature -30 ÷ +60 °C

Soil Surface Temperature Transducer

TTS is a sensor which specifically allows to measure the temperature above the soil, preferably at a height of 10 cm, and it is typically used for agrometeorological monitoring. It is besides very versatile being suitable for many different applications, even in harsh and unfavourable environmental conditions. The sensing element is based on a Pt100 Platinum resistance calibrated with response curve in accordance with Class 1/3 DIN 43760 standard. It has been designed in order to give very reliable performances in the long run, ensuring accurate output data. This sensor is provided with a protective robust screen, which allows to detect the temperature without being influenced by solar radiation. The position of the sensor inside the screen prevents it from being hit by sunlight. The sensor’s body is made of high-quality plastic, the protection shield is made of ABS (a resistant plastic material and non-hygroscopic), and UV stabilized material with low thermal characteristics that ensure long-term stability. The sensor is supplied with power and signal cable (12m).

Range -30 ÷ +60 °C
Accuracy 1/3 DIN43760 (TTS-N ver.)
±0,1 °C (TTS-I/V/S ver.)
Transducer Pt100 Thermoresistance
Working temperature -30 ÷ +60 °C

Air Relative Humidity Transducer

TRH gives relative humidity measurements with high accuracy and reliability. The sensor is composed by a laser-cut capacitive polymer transducer connected to an electronic signal conditioning board. The sensing element is housed into a special filtering structure which ensures a proper functioning of the sensor even in critical conditions where generally dust, water and dirt can occur. This structure makes the transducer less sensitive to aging and consequently to recalibration. The protective shield is made out of non-hygroscopic and UV stabilized plastic that recreates a ventilated and protected environment from sunlight. The sensor is supplied with power and signal cable (4 m).

Range 0 ÷ 100 RH%
Repeatability 0,15 RH%
Accuracy ± 2 RH%
Transducer Capacitive polymer temperature correct
Working temperature -30 ÷ +60 °C

Air Temperature & RH% Transducer

TTEPRH is a combined sensor for measuring air temperature and relative humidity. Temperature measurement is taken using a platinum Pt100 resistance thermometer with a response curve, compliant with the DIN 43760 Class 1/3 standard and 4-wire connection. The humidity measurement is obtained using a laser-cut capacitive polymer transducer connected to an electronic signal conditioning board. The sensor is offered either in the TTEPRH-N version with natural temperature output (4-wire pt100) and 0-1 V output for humidity, or in the I, V, S, 12 versions (respectively in current, tension, serial Modbus and serial SDI – 12 outputs). Serial versions (Modbus or SDI-12) can provide, in addition to the temperature and humidity values of the air, also the the values of dew and frost points. The sensor body is made out of corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy and stainless steel screws. A non-hygroscopic and UV-stabilized plastic screen protects the sensing element generating at the same time a ventilated environment. This allows the sensor to have a proper functioning not affected by sunlight. The sensor is supplied with power and signal cable (4 m).

Air Temperature
Range -30 ÷ +60 °C
Accuracy DIN 43760Class 1/3 (ver. TTEPRH-N)
±0,1 °C (TTEPRH-I/V/S)
Transducer Thermoresistance Pt100 DIN 43760
Realtive Humidity
Range 0 ÷ 100 %RH
Sensitivity ±0,5 %RH
Accuracy ±2 %RH
Transducer Capacitive polymer temperature correct
Common Charatteristic
Dew Point and Frost Point Only I/V/S/12 versions
Working temperature -30 ÷ +60 °C

Solar Radiation, Air Temperature and RH% transducer

TTEPRHSO is a very solid and compact sensor, which allows to measure simultaneously air temperature, relative humidity and global solar radiation. It is featured by an extreme flexibility, which makes the sensor an excellent versatile device, suitable for many different applications, ensuring at the same time high standards of performance in all the measurement fields. The air temperature sensing element is composed of a platinum Pt100 resistance thermometer with a response curve, compliant with the DIN 43760 Class 1/3 standard and 4-wire connection. The humidity measurement is given using a laser-cut capacitive polymer transducer connected to an electronic signal conditioning board, and a silicon cell detects solar radiation generating a tension proportional to the captured incident radiation. Sensor body is made of anticorrosive aluminium alloy, and it is protected by an external non-hygroscopic and UV-stabilized plastic shield that assures also a ventilated environment for the sensing components. TTEPRHSO is supplied with power and signal cable (4 m).

Air Temperature
Range -30 ÷ +60 ° C
Sensitivity 0,03 ° C
Accuracy 1/3 DIN 43760 ± 0,1 ° C
Transducer Platinumn resistance Pt100 DIN 43760
Relative Humidity
Range 0 ÷ 100% RH
Sensitivity ± 0,5% RH
Accuracy ± 2% RH
Transducer Capacitive polymer temperature correct
Solar Radiation
Range 0 ÷ 1.300 W / m²
Spectral response 0,36 ÷ 1,12 μm
Silicon cell sensitivity 0,2 mV / (W / m²)
Transducer Silicon Cell
Common characteristic
Dew Point and Frost Point Present
Working temperature -30 ÷ +60 ° C


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